Why Resistant Weight Loss May Be Caused By Allergies

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Time and time again, I meet people who tell me that their weight loss goal became a reality after eliminating their food intolerances. Do you know there are some foods and habits that can slow down your weight loss progress? Until you get rid of them, kill the cravings for such food and turn a new leaf, then you will begin to see positive changes.

Many people are unaware of this fact and suffer in silence. Millions of people all over the world are living with food intolerance. And since they are unaware of the root cause of their problem, these people spend thousands of dollars on pills and other pointless remedies in a bid to find lasting solutions to their problem. If an allergy is the primary cause of your slow progress when it comes to weight loss, then I bet no diet plan, no matter how good it is, will give you the result you seek.

What I’m saying, in essence, is that there’s a direct connection between allergy and weight gain. This is caused by the interaction between the mast cells and fat cells. Mast cells store various kinds of chemicals that create allergic responses. Each time there’s an allergy reaction, mast cells immediately release these chemicals into your tissues. At this stage, you will begin to see the symptoms of allergy such as sneezing, redness, swelling, running nose, wheezing and itching. It is also believed these chemicals stimulate the growth of fat cells.

Fat cells, on the other hand, play their own part. These cells act as storage for various chemicals. As your weight increases, fat cells release the chemicals into your blood vessels.

Foods That Prevents Weight Loss Due To Allergy

Did you know that there are some foods that prevent weight loss? I bet you don’t.  And the worst part is that you are naturally attracted to the foods that make the list. As a matter of fact, you can’t go a day without these foods. Sugar, for instance, is a typical example of a food item that fuels weight gain. While sugar gives you more energy, it actually encourages inflammation and weight gain in the long term. If you can completely detach yourself from taking these foods then you will start noticing positive changes in your weight loss goals.  Below is a list of other foods that are most likely to promote weight gain.

1. Milk and its end products

This is another popular food found in many households. Milk and its end products which include cream, yogurt, cheese, butter, and ice cream should be avoided at all cost. Whether you prefer taking it in its liquid form or often add to prepared foods, cut down on the use of milk in your daily diet. Check every product before purchasing. Stay clear of milk products and you will begin to see results.

2. Wheat and its end products

It is important to note that white flour is the same as wheat flour but the only difference is that white flour is a refined product. Wheat is a popular ingredient in most of our daily staples including pastries, crackers, pasta, bread, and noodles. In addition, wheat is used to thicken foods such as jams, jellies, soups, and sauces.

3. Yeast

This is a kind of food that is added to baked food such as bread. Not only that, but yeast is also an important ingredient for making beer, sauces, and soups. Plus, it is a natural substance that can be found on fruits and vegetables. That’s not all yeast is also used in wine, vinegar, and many other fermented foods.

Allergies That Triggers Weight Gains

Symptoms of allergic reactions are plentiful. For instance, contact allergies cause rashes and itches while airborne allergies cause watery eyes, sneezing and running nose. Other common allergens include pet dander, insects and various kinds of doos. Some allergic reactions can be mild while others can be fatal requiring immediate medical attention. There are allergies that if not properly cared for can prevent weight loss.

1. Grain Allergy

Chronic grain allergy otherwise known as gluten sensitivity comprises celiac disease which negatively impacts your physical well being. This kind of allergic reaction can result in drastic weight loss. The best solution to this problem is to completely remove foods such as rye, wheat and barley products from your diet. The good thing is that only a few people suffering from chronic grain allergy are faced with such symptoms. Other individuals suffering a milder form of grain allergy have to contend with the following symptoms which include bloating, stomach cramps and weight gain. Other symptoms include tiredness and joint pains.  These can make an individual gain weight since they don’t have the strength or unfit to engage in vigorous physical activity.

2. Hay Fever

Hay Fever can stimulate weight gain. This allergies itself cannot make you fat but the prescription medicine taken in alleviating the symptoms which include runny noses and red eyes are the major culprit behind the weight gain woes. Regular use of antihistamine will make you feel hungrier, creating cravings for carbohydrate. However, many health stores prescribe antihistamines to patients as an appetite stimulant. If you are suffering from an allergy that necessitates the use of antihistamine, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor on alternative methods of treatment that promotes weight loss.

3. Type B Food Allergies

If you crave and eat certain foods in large quantity more than normal, then you may be experiencing Type B food allergy. Type A food allergy causes immediate physiological reactions that are somewhat dangerous to human health. However, this allergic reaction is nothing compared to what a Type B food allergy can cause. Type B food allergy can cause delayed reactions which include fatigue, weight gain, and aching joints. These allergic reactions take a couple of days to build up. You will most likely not see any inflammatory response immediately. This reaction may take at least three days after consumption. And the more you consume the food, the worse the cumulative effect. ed0 Lis

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