These are strange times. With all the reports on the news of new cases, closed public spaces and shortages of medical equipment, it is hard not to worry.
But there are some positive actions you can take to stay healthy, keep productive and make a difference to your personal space and the world around you.
You can feel good during this time. No one is telling you that you must absorb the negativity. Here are some ideas to help you stay mentally and physical well during the covid-19 pandemic:
Make eco-friendly switches
With extra time in your home, it is a great opportunity to review the systems you have in place and switch to eco-friendly alternatives.
Start one room, or area of your life, at a time and make a list of all the potential switches you could make. The kitchen is a good choice as there are some easy swaps such as reusable drinking straws and unpaper towels.
Planning for these changes will elevate your mood as you will feel that you are supporting a cause bigger than yourself, whilst creating a more sustainable lifestyle.
Watch what you eat
When we feel stressed, many of us will turn to food for comfort and this a destructive attitude. Keep eating healthily and working towards your weight loss and fitness goals.
The food that we put into our bodies is our energy source and building blocks. It literally effects who we are and what we do.
Spend time planning and preparing nourishing and healthy foods to help you stay strong and happy and working towards your goals.
Staying productive and busy will help keep your mind away from food and negativity, so fill your day with worthwhile activities too.
Declutter your houser

The space that we live in is proven to directly impact on our mood. Therefore, it worth curating a home that you love to bein.
Again, go from room to room deciding what you love and what needs to be rehomed. Be fearless in your approach and you will make huge strides in decluttering your home.
This productive activity will create a sense of accomplishment and you will receive a mood-boost every time you look around your tidy home.
Make raw food
Social media is full of people baking and cooking now. Every other post on Instagram or Facebook is a picture of home baked cakes or banana bread.
But this is the perfect time to create new foods that are good for you and delicious too. Raw food is easy to make, and you can find fantastic recipes on Pinterest to get you started.
With a blender, nuts, figs and a few other ingredients, you’ll be able to make a whole host of treats that will make you feel good all day.
Raw food is good for energy levels, your skin, digestion, weight loss and can even reduce your chances of cardiovascular disease. Time to get creative in the kitchen.
Try home workouts
Other way to stay active and maintain that positive energy is through home workouts. There are lots of options: both free and paid for, that you are bound to find something that suits you.
There’s no reason that the coronavirus outbreak should stop you from working towards a healthier lifestyle and exercising at home is a part of that.
YouTube is a good place to start as many coaches and personal trainers use this as a platform to share their workouts. You’ll be able to find everything from yoga to HIIT to kickboxing.
But, also, why not try something new? Push yourself to achieve more by stepping up your exercise regime. You are in the comfort of your own home, so no one is going to see.
What can you do stay positive and reach your goals?

Whatever it is you are working on, there will be some way that you can adapt to make it happen in the current climate. Keeping your mind and body strong has never been more important than it is now so give them the attention they deserve.
Remember to stay positive, create change and keep feeling good.
Follow me at @natashalucascoach for more tips.